The division operation is a fundamental arithmetic operation that involves splitting a quantity into equal parts. It is the inverse of multiplication, meaning that if you multiply a number by another number and then divide the product by the same number, you get back the original number.
In this article, we will be discussing how to 602.88 Divide by 150.8. We will also explore some real-world applications of division and provide some tips for improving your division skills.
Step-by-Step Solution
To 602.88 Divide by 150.8, we can use the long division method. This method involves dividing the dividend (602.88) by the divisor (150.8) one digit at a time.
Here are the steps involved in the long division method:
Write the dividend (602.88) inside the long division symbol and the divisor (150.8) outside the symbol.
Divide the first digit of the dividend (6) by the first digit of the divisor (1). The quotient is 6. Write 6 above the first digit of the dividend.
Multiply the divisor (150.8) by the quotient (6) and write the product (904.8) below the first two digits of the dividend.
Subtract the product (904.8) from the first two digits of the dividend (60). The difference is 10. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (2).
Divide the first two digits of the new dividend (102) by the first digit of the divisor (1). The quotient is 6. Write 6 above the next digit of the dividend.
Multiply the divisor (150.8) by the quotient (6) and write the product (904.8) below the first three digits of the dividend.
Subtract the product (904.8) from the first three digits of the dividend (1028). The difference is 124. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (8).
Divide the first three digits of the new dividend (1248) by the first digit of the divisor (1). The quotient is 8. Write 8 above the next digit of the dividend.
Multiply the divisor (150.8) by the quotient (8) and write the product (1206.4) below the first four digits of the dividend.
Subtract the product (1206.4) from the first four digits of the dividend (1248). The difference is 41.6. Since there are no more digits to bring down, the remainder is 41.6.
Therefore, 602.88 divided by 150.8 is equal to 4 with a remainder of 41.6. This can be written as:
Real-World Applications of Division
Division is a very useful operation that has many real-world applications. Here are a few examples:
- Sharing: When you share a quantity among a group of people, you are essentially dividing the quantity equally among them. For example, if you have 10 cookies and you want to share them equally among 5 friends, you would divide 10 by 5 to get 2 cookies per person.
- Measurement: Division is used to convert units of measurement. For example, if you know the length of a room in feet and you want to convert it to meters, you would divide the length in feet by the conversion factor (1 foot = 0.3048 meters).
- Finance: Division is used to calculate percentages, interest rates, and other financial ratios. For example, if you want to calculate the percentage of your monthly income that you spend on rent, you would divide your rent by your monthly income and multiply by 100.
- Problem-solving: Division is often used to solve word problems. For example, if you know the total cost of a number of items and you want to find the cost of each item, you would divide the total cost by the number of items.
Tips for Improving Your Division Skills
Here are a few tips that can help you improve your division skills:
- Practice regularly: The more you practice division, the better you will become at it. There are many online resources and apps that can help you practice division.
- Use estimation: Before you start dividing, try to estimate the answer. This will help you check your work and make sure your answer is reasonable.
- Break down large numbers: If you are dividing a large number, try to break it down into smaller numbers that are easier to divide.
- Use a calculator: If you are struggling with division, don’t be afraid to use a calculator. However, it is important to understand the basic concepts of division so that you can use a calculator effectively.
602.88 Divide by 150.8 is an essential arithmetic operation that has many real-world applications. By understanding the long division method and practicing regularly, you can improve your division skills and become a more proficient mathematician.